viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013



Matrix 2 - The Unconscious mind

Matrix 2 - The Unconscious mind
(Mind System)
Summary of the previous video.
Where were we?

Being Dimensional being merged with the vessel of the human physical body, and Matrix systems, to merge the 3 components:
The soul dimensional as the life force within the human physical body, and Matrix systems.
Mental systems, are the first of a set systemic of chakras, reincarnation, karma, axiatonal lines.
Systems that are placed inside were programmed and programmable.

1.-Scheduled for Humans to Become One and their slave.

2.-Programmable in the future, for what n dimensional beings not remember their origin and seek a God of a "belief system", to replace them by any God., And are able to be re-scheduled for new Gods or new spiritual systems.

This is what is perceived as present situation. Now.

You know what?
To be more Accurate.
Not that a dimensional being off the life force for a human physical body as a vessel.
Not really, no.
To be more exact in term and Mathematical Expression actually Being dimensional was placed as the strength of Systems life for Matrix. Yeah this is better.
Without the participation of the Ser dimensional soul that is within the physical body.
These systems are not able to exist.
Thus, the souls of human beings, through their participation in the acceptance and permit yourself to such systems give you the power willed, you give your ability to exist.
We ourselves have believed that we Mentally systems
So, even they, in terms of the belief that you have to put a soul dimensional being in a physical body, and the system matrix, fused the 3.
This fusion has the ability to exist and manifest through separateness. the soul separated from his first Source.
The separation of the soul from its true Being Differential Integral, forgetting himself, is separated from the First Source.
And he believes that consciousness is a consciousness of Resonance.
Now, you're probably wondering.
What do I want to say when I say Mental systems?
The mental System:
Is set complex of structures with elements of thoughts, feelings, desires, and fears. Activating components Mental, Emotional, Energy.
At birth every human being, is already integrated on a platform of conscious, subconscious, unconscious.
What do I mean by platform?
what do I need construct a building?
You require a base:
Requires bricks, cement and many other materials.
So let's say to start building a building, require that the first base is placed, it is the platform.
So this platform is the Mental System.

Then it would be the mental basis
1.    - Conscious mind.
2. - Subconscious Mind
3. - Unconscious mind.

What is placed from the beginning -
the house is not built yet, si to say at the moment of birth,
the conscious, subconscious inside of you not yet developed.
These s Minds is tied to the back of your head, near your colon of the occipital bone, from the deepest layer of the brain, from where it connects them with beats n electrical
1. - Connected on your left you have electrical pulses in your mind inherited from your mother's mind.
2. - Connected on your right you have the electrical pulses of your mind inherited from your father's mind.
Both are connected at both points of the occipital and actually look like Inter-dimensional systems of Left and right hemisphere of the brain.
Now Mental systems are already connected inside you when you're in the womb.
Your unconscious mind develops and builds when you're in the womb, the house is basically the DNA transferred to you by your parents from fertilization, the sperm into the egg, on heredity.
All babies are born with an unconscious mind completely ready and developed.
The unconscious mind is what connects and connects you with the rest of humanity, with humanity as oneself, that is, when you grow and forms in this world, you will become a system with the rest of humanity.
You will become society, flourishing, grow and you'll develop as a system.
And that's, that's because this connection because the unconscious mind that occurs in the womb.
The subconscious mind and the conscious mind: these are placed when you leave the womb, that's all.
Only have a base in place, DNA unconscious mind, from the sexual centre.
The house needs to be built. That's what you do after birth.
So in the womb have unconscious mind first base is built-is done. The unconscious mind is that which connects the worldwide interconnection.
So worldwide. All information in the world.
All about human beings as who they are, as systems in the world - is within you downloaded into the compartment of the unconscious mind in your mind. So there is a compartment of your unconscious mind.
Mental compartments are 3, there are layers Inter-dimensionally.
So you have 3 layers in your brain:
1. - The bottom layer is your unconscious mind,
2.-The middle layer is the subconscious mind,
3.-The upper layer is the conscious mind.
So the bottom layer is already built, already built the basic platform, with all the world's information in humanity to turn yourself into a system from birth, you're done.
All you have to do is "develop" your subconscious mind and conscious mind after birth.
Subconscious Mind , Bring your parents Selves.
The conscious mind, "Develop" your "own personality" "Self-expression" in this world.
September 2013
Year 2 was spiral.

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